Appointments available
Dr Zakaria Rkiba
Sports medecine specialist, Traumatologist - Orthopedist, Orthoptist, Pediatric traumatologist - orthopedist, Orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist
Dr Ali El Kohen
Traumatologist - Orthopedist, Orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist
Dr Abderrazak Merini
Traumatologist - Orthopedist, Orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist
Dr El Mostafa Belhaj
Traumatologist - Orthopedist, Orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist
Access Details
555, Avenue 2mars, Hay El Masjid, le cabinet se situe sur l avenue 2 mars a coté de l hôpital bouafi, 20490, Casablanca, Maroc
Languages Spoken
Français, عربي